2017 in review / catch up
Hello, I'm, back! Sorry for the long absence from my blog. When last I wrote, I had just moved to Rome from Malta, because they would not renew my residence permit. The first week in Italy, I connected with a friend of a friend, Annika, who was moving out of a nice 2 bedroom apartment. I agreed to take it over, including a roommate who had just moved in. I also agreed to let Annika stay until she found another place. And so began my month of hell. Annika had turned the living room into a 3rd bedroom, then rented out the other two. Pretty nice set up, she lived rent free. I made it clear that once I took over the lease, she would pay the same rent she asked of me, and move into the smaller bedroom. To make a long story short, Annika was outraged that I would dare to charge her the same rent she charged me and beside herself that I would make her move from the big bedroom to the smaller one. The exact same argument w...