Busy day

Man o Man there is so much to do!  I spent half the morning on the phone with Fairfax County and Prince William County, trying to explain to them why they shouldn't both tax me for my truck for the same month.  I spent the other half of the morning with dish network trying to change from the stationary dish to the one on my RV.  After 4 different people I find out I keep the same receiver, disconnect from the outside dish and connect to the RV dish.  Of course, some one will have to climb up on the roof and flip some switches, any takers???

Next stop, moving storage units.  In between loads I stopped for gas.  Did I mention the truck is diesel? Gas Buddy informed me I could save .20 by going to Sheetz.  After finding the 1 out of 10 pumps that had diesel, I maneuvered my not so nimble giant truck around all the little cars and got in line.  I guess others used Gas Buddy too, because there were several men in line with me.  They got to eyeing my truck, in a most lustful manner.  Soon enough, two of them struck up a conversation and before I knew it they were crawling up in the drivers seat and checking everything out.  They thought I was too cool for words to have a truck like that, being a girl and all, and an older one to boot! Hmmmm

So I eventually made it home to find my neighbors sitting outside enjoying the 70 degree weather.  I joined them, then another neighbor joined us and another.  What a great group of people!  That's what I love about camping, instant friends where ever you go!!


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