Ice Pick

My first volunteer week was tough!  I showed up to work  and immediately went to a staff meeting.  Now, I thought I was all done with that particular form of torture.   Had I known it would be a 2 hour staff meeting, I would have insisted on bringing my own ice pick!  (In my former work circles, when faced with a meeting/class/anything long and boring, we say I wish I had a ice pick to stab in my eye to put me out of my misery)  But this wasn’t too bad - and they brought muffins.   Of course I had no idea what they were talking about, but some of the stuff sounded interesting.  My ears really perked up when they talked about blowing up a rock that had become a hazard.  Can’t wait for that!  OK, not the big bang one would like to see, more like a little poof, but blowing something up is blowing something up and I want to see it! 

During my 3 days of work, Kim and I drove around, putting 60-100 miles on the forest service truck each day.  We checked out back roads to see if we could open them, picked up some trash, mended a fence, shoveled dirt off a handicap walkway, unloaded trashcans in newly opened day use areas and drove around some more.  There is still too much snow on the ground to open some up country areas, but people sure do want to get in there.  We stopped to open one gate and someone with a ATV pulled right in behind us.  Sorry, we had to tell him, this area isn’t open yet.  I think the elevation where I am is about 6000 ft.  Just a few miles up the road, and higher in elevation, there is still so much snow that the roads are impassable. 

They stocked the lake and streams so fishermen are all over the place.  Too bad the fish are too cold to bite.  They must be catching something at the lake though, because the fish cleaning station was dirty.  A few drops of blood and a scale or two and many, many raccoon prints!  Seems they think it’s their snack shack.  There were even a few hardy tent campers out already.  The nights are cold, probably still in the 40’s.  This weekend it finally warmed up a bit, but it still pretty chilly during the day.  Much too cold for my taste - I’ll sleep in my heated 5th wheel, thank you!

Once I do the ATV class, I think I’ll be working with a different group of people.  I hope I like them as much as I like these guys.   

The kids from the California Conservation Corp arrived today.  I can hear much activity coming from their direction, but there are enough woods between us that I can’t see them.  The cook and the 2 forest service guys will be staying in my clearing.  I told them I’m very happy to hear I’ll have a cook for a neighbor! 

I took my mountain bike out for a ride.  I should have brought my leash, since I walked it more than anything!  There seems to be something wrong - as I start uphill, the pedals stop turning and there is an immediate pain in my lungs.  Everything seems to work well enough going downhill, so I’m not sure what to make of this.   I also will be needing new brake pads.  The downhill’s were steep, but with the added excitement of obstacles in the road.  There were ruts, pinecones, snakes, rocks and boulders.  I sure got my workout, I ‘rode’ 10 miles, but between walking and riding, it took me all afternoon.

I might rest up tonight and head into town tomorrow.  There are a few more trails to check out in my immediate area, but I don’t want to wear myself out all at once. 


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