
OK, so the rest area wasn't the best choice, it was really loud.  I didn't think the sound of the traffic would bother me, but it was soooo loud I couldn't sleep. Also keeping me up, Sammie the cat didn't appreciate one tiny bit being locked in the bathroom all night.  With all the slides pulled in, she could have gotten up under them and I couldn't reach her.  So I had to lock her in the bathroom.

OK, now that I'm up, what to do about breakfast?  I have some (battery) power, but not enough for the microwave or toaster oven.  There goes my bagel and oatmeal.  Wait, can't I boil water on the (propane) stove?  Oh right, that's how it was done before the microwave came along.  No bagel though, I do like that toasted.  As I was eating breakfast and typing on the computer, trucks were pulling into the rest area, going right by me.  Now in case you don't know, little Brutus Beefcake is deaf. Yup, he can't hear a thing.  So when he barked, it scared me to death, it was so unexpected.  I've had him a year and I've only heard him bark once, when someone startled him.  I know he couldn't hear the trucks, but he could see the lights as they passed by.  I guess he didn't like it and let me know.  OK, time to get on the road.

My GPS has some issues. As I'm driving down the highway, it will tell me to get off an exit and get right back on.  When in town, it tells me to turn right, make U turn and go the other way.  Its a built in GPS, so I can't just throw it out the window and it doesn't do it often.   I was headed south on I-85, I stopped for gas right next to the highway.  As I headed back to the interstate, my GPS tells me to head north in I-85.  I don't think so....

All and all, a pretty boring day, just driving, driving, driving.  It was pretty nice having my own personal bathroom when ever I needed it though! 

Yesterday I left the birds in the RV as I drove, but it was pretty cold.  Today I put them in the truck with Brutus and Sammie.  That made them happy and they sang and chirped all day.  Sammie was also in a better mood.  Normally she's a good traveler, but yesterday when I opend her carrier in the truck, she wouldn't come out.  She hid in it and glared at me everytime I looked at her.  Today she tried sitting in my lap.  When I wouldn't let her do that, she settled for sitting on the console next to me all day.  Brutus slept right next to her in his bed.  Such a happy little family!

I finally made it to the campground at 4pm.  Its a pretty  nice place; as the owner showed me around, it's obvious he takes pride in making it a nice campground.  I told him I'd be back in about two weeks and will stay for 2 months.   I met 3 other camp hosts/workers and they seem pretty cool.

When I parked my RV and opened the door I was met with quite a surprise - broken glass all over the kitchen floor.  The cabinet door had came open and everything fell in the floor.  Surprisingly, not everything broke.  I've had these dishes since 1984 and I love them!   I lived in Germany and had come back to the US on leave.  I was visiting my grandmother and bought a really cool set of dishes. They wouldn't fit in my luggage so I carried them back to Germany in a basket.  I was just thinking the other day, man these dishes are awesome to have lasted so long and I had never broke a single one.  Until now...   Next I leaned on the kitchen table and POP, it broke!  Yup, the table top is screwed onto the base with 4 screws.  The piece of wood connecting the top and the base is press board and a huge chunk of the press board just broke off.  Holy cow!!  OK, I can fix that later. 

So, dinner, a shower, some light reading and its off to bed for me...  I'm about 8 hrs from Orlando, so it will be a long drive tomorrow.


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